Chabad of Greater Dayton is home to the single largest body of work crafted by that extraordinary group of creative and dedicated men, led by Burt Saidel, known as the “G‑d Squad.”
The Torah refers to the artistry that went into the crafting of the Tabernacle in the desert as melechet hakodesh – the creative work of the Holy Place. For the Tabernacle was the place where G‑d’s presence was manifest palpably within the world, and it was a place not only of power but also of beauty.
The Rabbis declared that today, when there is no Temple, each synagogue is a mikdash me’at – a miniature Holy Temple. In that spirit, the G‑d Squad has provided us with craftwork that reflects the vision of holiness and beauty our Torah has for a house of G‑d. As in that original vision, the gap between spiritual and material disappears. These are sermons in wood, inspiring us too to transcend limitations and be a part of the beauty, truth, and mystery that unifies all things.