The Kiddush Lunch has become a vital part of Chabad of Greater Dayton. It is a special time every week that helps us to create friendships, community and the warm shul atmosphere in which we take great pride. May the merit of sponsoring this beautiful event bring you and yours all the blessings of nachas, happiness and much success in all your endeavors.

Below are some of the tailored packages.

Basic Kiddush Sponsorship | $300
If you would like to sponsor one of the weekly Shabbat kiddushes for the regular minyan crowd (40 people), the cost is $300 for our basic menu of challah rolls, kiddush wine, gefilte fish, 4 assorted vegetable salads, fleishig cholent, vegetarian cholent, kugel, fruits and dessert, all prepared by our wonderful kiddush committee.

If you plan on inviting more people, the cost is $5 per additional person.

Kiddush Add-ons
$150 - 2 Platters of variety of deli meats (salami, turkey, pastrami and corned beef), bread and condiments. (for 40 people, $4.50 per additional person)
$100 - 2 Platters of lox with vegetables (for 40 people, $2.50 per additional person)
$60 - tuna salad (for 40 people, $1.50 per additional person)

$55 - 1/2 Sheet cake

$25 - Each additional salad
For additional desserts please order from Rochel Simon.

For any questions please contact Rochel Simon at [email protected] or 937.716.2102

Thank you to the Chesed Committee for preparing the Kiddush.

Contact Information
Last Name
First Name
City, State, Zip
Kiddush Package
I would like to make a Kiddush Sponsorship • $300 | Number of additional attendees
Salad Preferences
Kugel Preference
Kishka Noodle
Kiddush Add Ons
Deli Meat Platters (2) • $150 Lox Platters (2) • $100
Sheet Cake • $55

(please specify cake message)
Additional Salad • $25 ea

(please specify salad choice)
Sponsorship Details
Date of sponsorship

Please click here to see if available.

Kiddush Sponsorship in
Memory Honor of

Please specify occasion:
I will mail in a Check Charge card below

Charge Amount

Card Type Card Number
Expiration Date
CVV Code